Department of Microbiology visited "SPIRULINA RESEARCH CENTRE" (Industrial Visit). Date:21/08/2024, Thazambur(natham)
On behalf of the Department of Microbiology we thank our Chairperson Madam, Secretary and Principal Madam for her constant guidance and support.
The Department of Microbiology organized a one-day Industrial Visit at Oferr Nallayan Spirulina Research Centre, Navalur, Chennai, and Tamil Nadu on 21st August 2024 for B.Sc. II and III-year students. The students were accompanied with three faculty members Dr. V. Saravanan, Dr. V. Guru and Dr. D. Hari Priya as a part of industrial exposure.
Mr. K. Vijaya Kumar, trainer addressed the students on spirulina production, cultivation and identification process of Spirulina species with help of light Microscope. He explained the role of spirulina in malnutrition and its ability to promote health. After that, Students visited the open pond system, agitation, aeration, monitoring growth factors, harvesting, filtration and drying process. The reserch centre also showed its various sustainable practices like Biogas Production, Vermi composting and Azolla Cultivation.
Students were enlightened their knowledge in the field of Spirulina cultivation and marketing practices. It was very helpful to our students because it is much relevant to the subjects like, Industrial and Pharmaceutical microbiology, Microbial marketable products and Organic Farming and Biofertilizers. This will be helpful for our students to become an entrepreneurship.
During the visit our students clarified their queries from the research centre and learned how the harvesting, production of Spirulina and the laboratory quality assessment in order to provide the good quality products to the people.



